Realm is an online tool to help our Church connect with one another better, experience community, and communicate more effectively.
For a Realm account please click here.

Why does GCC need Realm?
As we continue to grow, we want to make sure that people can still Encounter Christ, Experience Community, and Extend the Kingdom in real, tangible ways. Realm will help us do all of those things. It will help people find events and happenings where their faith can be grown. It will help people connect to others in small groups, and experience real, life-giving community. And it will help people find opportunities to serve, give, and go - extending the Kingdom of God into our cities and our world.
Is Realm just another social network?
No. Popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter are geared toward individuals and their needs. Realm is geared toward groups and the needs of the local church. Also, whereas most social networks create and replace community, Realm merely supplements community that already exists.
How will the church communicate via Realm?
Our pastors, ministers and staff will communicate to our body on a church, campus and group level, sharing ministry opportunities, prayer requests, event information, etc. Leaders will communicate to groups and volunteers. Group members will communicate with one another and their leader. There are endless ways for the church to communicate via Realm.
How do I use Realm?
The easiest way to learn how to use Realm is by simply spending time on it, browsing around and checking out all the features. There will also be video tutorials and ongoing tips available to help you better navigate your way around.
Email with any questions you may have.