Monday, January 06, 2025, 12:00 AM - Friday, January 10, 2025, 7:15 PM
Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration Week
January 6-10, 2025
The cross is foundational to everything we do as disciples and ministers. If we want to remain faithful to the call God has given us as a global family of churches, we must continue to be Christ-centered.
Every Nation leaders and churches have always placed a high premium on the authority and the truthfulness of Scripture. We know that God reveals himself to us through his Word, and he uses it to transform and empower us.
Prayer & Reflection
As our 5-day journey begins, take time to reflect on your experiences with God. You can write down petitions of your heart. You can include specific scriptures that speak to your heart, promises from God for your personal life, your loved ones, and the church. Lift up prayers for the salvation of family and friends. And definitely keep a heart of expectation to see the move of God in your life.
Whether this is your first time joining us or you've been with us from the beginning, consider what’s best for you and your health with the following types of fasts:
Complete Fast
Calls for drinking only liquids, water or light juices.
Daniel Fast
Inspired by Daniel in his time at King Nebuchadnezzar's court, this fast involves removing certain elements from your meals such as meat, sweets, and bread and focusing more on eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water and juice.
I ate no choice foods; no meat or wine touched my lips Daniel 10:3
Partial Fast
Setting aside a specific time of the day to abstain from eating any type of food makes up a partial fast. For example from no eating from sunup to sundown or not having a certain meal of the day.
Custom Fast
Then there are fasts which you customize to your specific needs - want to put social media aside for a while? or avoid eating out? fast for a specific day of the week? No matter how you fast, the key to remember is that as you remove something, you replace it with an increased focus on God.
video devotionals
-- Introduction: Forgiveness Feat. Garrison Fuller --
-- Day One -- Paradise Feat Eugene Yow
-- Day Two -- Family Feat. Amy Soliman
-- Day Three -- Judgement Feat. Phillip Pretorius
-- Day Four -- Humanity Feat. Inoka Manickam
-- Day Five -- Completion Feat. Archie Lim
-- Conclusion: Assurance Feat. Tracey Soo --