Every Monday, from 09/13/2021 to 05/09/2022, 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM

Group: Chantilly

AWANA is a membership organization that seeks to give children sound Biblical training through scripture memorization, games and a presentation of the gospel. AWANA stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" and is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15. AWANA Clubbers can earn patches and pins, which are worn on their uniforms, by memorizing scripture and completing sections of their handbook. GCC offers the following clubs:

  • Puggles for 2 year olds - (Must be 2 by 9/30/21)
  • Cubbies for 3 and 4 year olds (Must be 3 by 9/30/21)
  • Sparks for Kindergarten through 2nd graders (Must be 5 by 9/30/21)
  • T&T for 3rd through 6th graders.
  • Trek/Journey curriculum: for middle school and high school students

Register Here!!!!

When does AWANA meet?

We will meet on Monday evenings at Grace Covenant Church from 6pm - 7:45pm.  Our first evening will be Monday, September 13, 2021.  The club will conclude on Monday, May 9, 2021.  DINNER WILL NOT BE PROVIDED THIS AWANA YEAR.

What is the registration cost and what does it cover?

Puggles (2 yr olds) Registration Cost: $30/child
All Other Clubber Registration Cost: $80/child

Registration covers a uniform (vest/shirt) one (1) curriculum & extra credit book (as needed), all awards given during the year, and End of Year celebration.

What will each evening entail?
The evening is divided into three portions:

LARGE GROUP & HANDBOOK TIME: a large group/ sermon format where children learn from the Bible and some time will be allocated for verse recitation and time to work in their handbook.

GAME TIME: offers a chance for the children to have fun, while practicing good sportsmanship and manners.

SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION TIME: a small group format where the children will interact with each other and their club leaders each week as they learn from the Bible and how it can affect their own life.

PARENT INVOLVEMENT - Our club is run entirely by volunteers.  Parents will be REQUIRED to serve at least two Mondays per month (every Monday for Puggle and Cubbie parents).  Parents will be contacted by email with their volunteer assignments.  Select the area you would like to volunteer during registration.

BACKGROUND CHECKS - It is GCC policy to perform a background check for all persons who work with children in any capacity.  Background checks will be initiated prior to the start of Awana in September.  At that time you will receive an email from Verified First, the company GCC uses to complete the background check.  Acknowledge your intent to participate in the background check during registration.

LIABILITY – We realize that no activity is without possibility of unforeseen hazards which could result in injury to an individual.  As a parent or guardian, you are to be aware of your responsibility to instruct your child on the importance of conduct which will ensure a safe and enjoyable time while participating in this activity.  Please read and acknowledge the following release during registration.  By electronically signing this form, you, as parent, guardian, or other responsible party, agree to the following:

  • You assume the risks and hazards which are inherent in this kind of activity.
  • You also agree to absolve and hold harmless the sponsoring organizations and representatives for damage, loss or injuries to the child for whom you sign.
  • You further give your permissions for the use of any photo or likeness of your child to be used by the sponsoring organizations for their use in promotional materials.
  • You give your child permission to participate in this activity and give your permission to the leaders of this function to authorize any treatment deemed necessary by a licensed physician due to accident or illness during this activity.

If you have any questions regarding registration or if you would like to set up a payment plan, please contact Heather Bendix at  or Awana Commanders at .

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