Safety Day

Safety Day

Saturday, May 31, 2025, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: Grace Covenant Church, 4600 Brookfield Corporate Drive, Chantilly, VA US 20151

Group: Chantilly

Protecting the flock is our priority! Come together for a Ministry-Wide Safety Day, where we'll cover essential topics to keep our congregation and community secure. Learn about mental health awareness, fire safety, general building, and personal safety through interactive sessions, expert speakers, and hands-on demonstrations. Whether it's preparing for emergencies or fostering well-being, this event is designed to equip everyone with vital knowledge and skills. Note: Limited Children’s Ministry is available for children ages 2–11. To reserve a spot for your child(ren), please email  Registration for children will close one week prior to the class date.

Register here.

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