Manhood Journey 2024

Manhood Journey 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024, 12:00 AM

Group: Chantilly

We want to help a generation of men become what God has called them to become.
Men like Jesus.
We would be honored if you would JOIN US for The 20 day Manhood Journey is about you becoming a man who is balanced and whole, thriving in every responsibility, living a life of integrity.
A man who loves his God courageously, fights for his family valiantly and succeeds at a worthwhile purpose. You were destined to be that man!.
Maybe you need a fresh vision of hope for change in your own life.

Maybe you know someone who could use a biblical vision of how to be a man amid the cultural chaos.
Maybe you want to grab a group of men and process things together.

We would be honored to play a role in your journey of freedom and formation.


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