Saturday, June 06, 2020
The 21-day Manhood Journey is about you becoming a man who is balanced and whole, thriving in every responsibility, living a life of integrity. A man who loves a woman courageously, fights for his family valiantly and succeeds at a worthwhile purpose. You were destined to be that man!
Over 21 days, you'll be placed in a band of brothers of 6 - 10 men, be provided a coach to challenge you and go through the updated "Be A Man" book. You'll experience a defining moment at our Manhood Ceremony.
Registration includes:
- Kick-off: Saturday, June 6 from 5 - 6 p.m. The journey kicks off with the Manhood Olympics via Zoom
- Weekly Meetings: You, your Band of Brothers and coaches will meet virtually on a weekly basis for 1 hour
- Resources: The updated "Be A Man" book will guide you and your brothers through the 21 day Manhood Journey
- $25 to participate in the 21 day Manhood Journey registration and a digital copy of "Be A Man" (delivered to the email address you provide at registration on June 2)
- $40 to participate in the 21 day Manhood Journey registration and a full-color paperback of "Be A Man" (delivered to the mailing address you provide at registration before Kick-off on June 6.)
Note: Paperback books ordered after May 21 may not arrive by June 6.
On Saturday, June 27** from 12:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. you'll experience a defining moment at the Manhood Ceremony, when all Band of Brother groups will travel to Madison, VA to celebrate and closeout the journey together. **This date is subject to change depending on circumstances associated with COVID-19. Tickets sold separately More information coming soon.
Questions? Contact