
Grace Covenant Worship is a diverse collective of people who offer our musical talent to foster environments where God can encounter His people without distraction. Through corporate worship we desire to glorify God, remind people that Jesus is close, and be transformed in His presence. We serve Grace Covenant Church in the great VISION to WIN THE CITY by cultivating moments where the church can easily ENCOUNTER CHRIST.

Want more information? Please email worship@gracecov.org

For the latest updates and info about Grace Covenant Worship please follow us on Instagram

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To stream or download our latest music you can search for Grace Covenant Worship on your favorite digital platform


AuditionsWe hold worship auditions twice per year on average. Audition announcements are made during services and on social media at least 4 weeks in advance of the audition. Everyone who serves in the worship department is a member at Grace Covenant Church and should have completed the membership process before auditioning.

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