GRACE LOVES ESL PROGRAM DETAILS Grace Loves, the outreach arm of Grace Covenant Church, are offering English as a Second Language classes as a service to the community. It is...

Our mission is to show G.R.A.C.E to our city through the following strategy:
We are preparing for over 1500 people actively engaging in Grace Loves through our weekly texts.
Join us in serving over 100,000 people living in the margins, meeting basic needs they might have while holding out the hope found in Jesus Christ.
Come alongside our aggressive plan to give away over 15,000 care packages that radiate and express hope to those giving their lives away on the front line.
This year we will take our commitment to local partners to new heights, increasing from 12 to 20 partnerships.
This year we will continue to establish robust systems that enable more schools and communities to participate with us in loving our city well.
Grace Loves is partnering with Tree of Life, every 4th Tuesday of each month to provide and serve dinner to kids and families of our community, who may otherwise go without. This is a great event where we not only build relationships, but have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with children of all ages and their families.
Mobile Hope is a food pantry on wheels that serves and supports families in need. Volunteers needed to help prepare donated items which are then distributed weekly.
Mobile Hope is a food pantry on wheels that serves and supports families in need. GCC partners with other local churches to receive and deliver these needed items. Volunteers needed to hand out items.
Mobile Hope is a food pantry on wheels that serves and supports families in need. GCC partners with other local churches to receive and deliver these needed items. Volunteers needed to hand out items.
Grace Loves Refugee Support is a program that assists families with starting a new life in America. We partner with Lutheran Social Services and other branches of Grace Loves such as ESL, Mobile Hope, and Women Giving Back, etc.
Volunteers are needed to assist families in the following areas: House Setup (collecting furniture and household items as well as setting up the new homes), Driving instruction, Public Transportation information, Public Benefits, Medical Assistance, School Registration, Wellness, Financial Literacy, Neighborhood amenities, Transportation to appointments and ESL classes, Friendship.
Volunteers who have direct contact with or drive refugees must undergo a required background check from LSS. (Grace Loves will cover the cost of the background, upon a signed commitment from the volunteer for the 6 month program.). For more information please email us at
Grace Loves seeks to serve and encourage our community through hand-written cards. Whether thank-you cards for frontline workers, holiday cards for the elderly, welcome cards for refugees, greeting cards for our neighbors, etc., we believe that a timely word of encouragement can show the love of Jesus in a powerful way. Volunteers needed to hand-write cards. Scripts and cards will be provided.
Grace Loves seeks to serve our frontline workers (hospital workers, police, firefighters, teachers, social workers, the military, etc.) in multiple ways. One way we do that is to provide them with care packages filled with goodies, practical items and hand-written cards of hope and encouragement. Volunteers are needed to pack care packages and help make deliveries.
Grace Loves ESL is a program that offers free English classes for those looking to improve their proficiency in the English language. We offer beginner, intermediate and advanced classes. Volunteers needed: teachers, teaching assistants, classroom assistants, administrators, hospitality workers, children's ministry workers, drivers (pick-up and drop-off students), set-up and take-down workers.
Grace Loves the Family brings support to the doorstep of a foster family at its most vulnerable time. Come and join our Care Communities who will wrap around our families with consistent relationships and practical support. For example, view our Care Community Resource Guide PDF.
Want to learn more? Please complete our interest form.
London Towne exists to maximize student potential with the goal of forming well-rounded lifelong leaders that impact their communities. As a Title 1 school, they receive government funding to assist students in low income areas reach the challenging standards of Fairfax County. We plan to come alongside London Towne's through mentoring, tutoring and ongoing food and backpack drives.
A Title 1 elementary school, George P. Mullen Elementary School is a public school located in MANASSAS, VA. It has 700 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1.
Yorkshire is a Title 1 elementary school in Manassas, VA. Their vision statement is: "We are a collaborative community working to support the development of the whole child.
Loch Lomond Elementary School is a Title 1 school that is committed to an environment of belief in every student, leading to the formation of courageous and inspired students who are committed to the pursuit of lifelong learning. Serving over 550 students, LLES is one of the most diverse schools in PWCS, with a high rate of turnover on a year to year basis. GCC is committed to serving and supporting LLES through ongoing food drives, creative staff support events, backpack drives, coat drives, and more.
Stone Middle School houses over 800 students and exists to develop students that become viable contributors to their community while growing in a greater passion for knowledge. Grace Outreach partners with SMS through various character development programs, Financial Peace University for students and ongoing food and need drives throughout the year.
Herndon High School seeks to be an institution that empowers students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens of the global community. Our partnership includes: Mentorship program, Care Packages, and many others.
Empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. Grace Loves and SMS work together to assist children in a literacy program.
Chantilly High School is a public high school, part of the Fairfax County Public Schools system. Our collaboration includes providing backpacks and school supplies and assisting in the after school meal program for students of low income families.
Herndon High School seeks to be an institution that empowers students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens of the global community. Our partnership includes: Mentorship program, Care Packages, and many others.
The mission of Westfield High School is to educate and remediate our students within a nurturing, inclusive environment that promotes high academic achievement, focuses on improving reading strategies, and uses technology to support learning. Our collaboration includes Special Education Annual Day Prom, Back to School Backpacks, and many others.
We support three shelter houses in our partnership with Shelter House.
Patrick Henry Shelter provides emergency, short-term accommodations to homeless families with children. The shelter offers a variety of programs for children including tutoring, therapeutic services, and weekend activities.
The Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter provides shelter for about 24 families, usually mothers with children. Must be referred. Offers a variety of programs for children including tutoring, therapeutic services, and weekend activities.
Artemis House is a 24-hour emergency shelter for victims in danger of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and human trafficking.
The Embry Rucker Community Shelter is a 70-bed residential shelter that provides healthy, safe, emergency housing for individuals and families. They are dedicated to helping their clients overcome the circumstances that led to their homelessness, and facilitate their transition to stable housing. We serve monthly meals to residents and support them with ongoing supplies where needed.
Our outreach collaboration with Reset 180 focuses on reaching out to both victims of trafficking and those who purchase them and who hold them in captivity to share the love and freedom of Christ.
Mosaic offers free medical & other pregnancy-related services. Our promise is simple: We'll be a safe place—a place where someone will listen; a place of acceptance and compassion; a place to ask questions and get honest answers; a place where relationships can result in something beautiful.
Carried to Full Term is a Christ-centered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization providing long-term housing to pregnant women in crisis including women who have been abandoned and are homeless for up to 24 months in a very structured setting. We believe every baby deserves a home and in support of that belief, our overall goal is to transform the lives of the mothers to have them become self-sufficient and independent.
The faith-based mission of the Time To Fly Foundation (TTF) is a recognized expert in the space of domestic abuse prevention/ intervention healing. TTF uses a holistic approach to help women regain their God given worth, break the generational cycle of dating/domestic abuse, and strengthen the family unit with the truths of Christ. Since its inception in 2000, TTF serves over a thousand women in the Washington Metropolitan Area using both spiritual and practical life skills training.
International Justice Mission finds the children and families who are victims of violence, forced labor, or sex trafficking. They then support local police in rescue operations and help meet the victims' urgent needs, like safe housing, food, medical care, counseling, and education. IJM is committed to walking alongside survivors until they are fully restored. IJM also tirelessly works to bring criminals to justice and is committed to the strengthening of the justice system.
Cords of Love, International is a 501(c)(3) Christian based organization with a mission to make handcrafted baby blankets to be distributed world-wide as well as locally to those in need. Cords of Love provides care packages for new moms or caregivers filled with both a blanket and Bible. They believe that in these acts of love and compassion, they are impacting the Kingdom of God and are a vital part of families encountering the love of Jesus Christ.
Tree Of Life Tree of Life engages with an army of local volunteers who acknowledge that Jesus Christ came that we may have life and have it to the full. Their core calues accentuate Jesus - Jesus Christ is foremost; Prayer & The Word of God are foundational; Compassion is fundamental; Relationship is for all; Community is our front line. They embrace the words of Jesus from the Gospel account to reach the "least of these." Jesus spoke of being hungry, thirsty, a stranger in need of clothing, sick and imprisoned. (Matthew 25:35)
Mobile Hope provides support and emergency shelter to at-risk, precariously housed or homeless youth up to age 24, empowering them to become self-sufficient. During this pandemic, Mobile Hope has pivoted like so many non-profits to serve the needs of those most at risk by providing weekly food support. Their impact has been far reaching, serving over 150,000 in 2020 alone. GCC has worked hand in hand each week with Mobile Hope to serve and support thousands in Chantilly, Manassas, Herndon and Sterling.
Women Giving Back supports women and children in crisis on a first step to stability by providing quality clothing at no cost, necessary food to supply for immediate needs and toiletry and diaper needs all assisted by a caring and committed community. Grace Covenant Church proudly supports this organization with necessary diapers, toiletry needs and volunteer support.
YoungLives is a Christian based campus ministry through Young Life that exists to help young parents in high school find belonging and community that embodies the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. With patience, commitment and grace, YoungLives provides stability and practical support to young ladies and men who are in enormous transition, while helping them discover the purpose of their life and their child. Grace Covenant Church assists YoungLives through ongoing mentorship, support of a multiplicity of practical needs and a commitment to offer a net of provision to the young moms and dads they serve.
Ps. Kore Bendix
Associate Pastor of Outreach & Evangelism
Wendy Crawford
Outreach Coordinator