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Faith Works | Expand

by Duke Bendix on May 29, 2014

Pastor Duke Bendix

What do you hear when you read "faith works"?  

Do you hear that faith, exercised as trusting reliance upon God actually does something, that it brings about a result in keeping with what we were asking -- and believing -- God to do?

Or, do you hear that real faith leads to action; that as we believe God to act, we also work to do the things He shows us to do.  

Well, if you read it right, you hear BOTH!  

The Bible is clear: God brings about the things He puts in our hearts to believe Him for.  Isaiah compared the word that God speaks to the rain and snow of heaven that falls to earth and brings the affect for which it was sent.  He writes, 

"so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Likewise, James tells us that faith is effective when accompanied by the obedient action it requires us to take.  He writes of Abraham's obedience in offering up Isaac, the son of promise, as a sacrifice.   James notes that Abraham's, "faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works..." (2:22)  God miraculously provided a ram to take the place of Isaac, but first Abraham acted as God directed him.

So, what's the point?  

All this applies to the pledges made to our Expand building campaign.  A "pledge" is a faith response to God's word spoken to my heart prompting me to commit a portion of my resources to our building project in the faith that He will provide as I give.

At the same time, a pledge is a commitment to act; to faithfully obey God by giving what He has prompted me to give.  We may give out of disciplined stewardship, out of the overflow of generosity, or even sacrificially.  The important thing is that we, like Abraham, obey God's word to us and give what He shows us to give.  


If you've not yet pledged to Expand, ask the Lord to show you what part He has for you to play!  If you've made a pledge, take a moment to recall when God spoke to you and your response of faith.  Believing that God will provide is faith working! And fulfilling your commitment by giving is faith working, too!