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Corporate Fast Prayer Points

by Danell Perkins on September 18, 2013


As a church family, we are taking time to fast and pray for three days, September 18-20. If you're not sure how to fast, or need some tips, check out this resource: How To Fast

Joshua 18: "Then the whole congregation of the people of Israel assembled at Shiloh and set up the tent of meeting there. The land lay subdued before them."

In the above passage, we find three distinct components: 

  1. The whole congregation .... assembled (together). 

  2. They set up the Tent of Meeting (establishing the abiding Presence of God by the ark residing there.)

  3. The land lay subdued before them.  


We can use these three points across three days of prayer and fasting:

Day 1 - Assembled

Not unlike the day of Pentecost, when the believers were gathered together for that feast (Acts 2), there is an anticipation of God doing something that motivates our gathering. While there are certainly personal, relational benefits of meeting together, and while we are encouraged to NOT give up doing so (Hebrews 10:25), our assembly whether on Sundays, Wednesdays, in small groups, etc., is one of the devotional activities that draws God to humanity. Matthew 18:20 states that "where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." 

Day 2 - Set Up YOUR Tent of Meeting

Shiloh means "He to whom they belong." In Exodus 25:8, God says "And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst." We see a requirement from God for THEM (US), to MAKE God a place so that He might dwell in our midst. We see many times in Scripture where God asks for something to be built and set apart so that He might dwell there. The question remains for us today, have you established a sanctuary, a dedicated, consecrated place in your life and schedule where He can dwell?

Day 3 - Your land is subdued and waiting for your possession. 

Seven tribes of Israel remain to occupy the land that has been "subdued before them". Similarly, there is land that has been subdued before us as a result of the work of the Cross. "And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church ... " (Ephesians 1:22). We have to rebuke a spirit of procrastination, get up and move from where we are and get up in order to possess what has been possessed on our behalf (1Timothy 6:12). 

Also, at 4600 Brookfield Corporate Drive, there is subdued land that we need to fully possess by finishing the work before us (2Cor. 8:11).  



Tags: prayer, fasting, corporate fast, joshua, faith