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Responding to God's Resurrection Power

by Brett Fuller on November 15, 2021

There is one quality common to all who die: they are unresponsive to external stimuli. You could yell in their ear, shine a light in their eyes and shake them all at the same time without a response. They are dead to the world...

In Romans 6:11 Paul says, "...consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus." Therein lies life's victory, for if we are dead to sin we should not respond to worldly stimulus. Lust, greed, malice, bitterness should be able to do their worst without effect. The only stimulus to which we should respond is the resurrection power of God which quickens our souls to uniquely perceive the prompting of the Spirit.

So, when temptation darkens your doorstep this week, don't open your life to its will. Instead, be led by the Holy Spirit and live right and live well...